I'm going to take a few classes spring semester 2013 at Beebe.
I'll start the two year vet tech program at Beebe in fall 2013.
I'll get my vet tech certification, then work as a vet tech during my last year of undergrad school.
I'll hopefully then be able to go to vet school. I might have to take a few extra semesters to boost my GPA, but I'll get there.
I decided to go vet because I think that's really what I'm meant to do. Yeah, the dentist thing would have been awesome, but to be honest, I like animals a whooooole lot more than I like people. Like...I really don't like people. But I lovelovelove animals. And I've worked in a vet clinic, so I know what comes along with it. It's not just cute puppies and cuddley kittens. It's FARRR from that. Haha. Trying hissing kitties and 200 pound dogs that want to eat your face and have to be sedated just for a bath... And try secreting a dog's anal glands, or draining an infected abscess that's as big as a fist. It's grossss. Not to mention it smells horrible. But I can handle it. I don't have a weak stomach.
So I got a tattoo. And a haircut. I'm like, a whole new person. Not really.
My tattoo, that I LOVE. <3 Buddy and Clyde. |
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My hair. Is gone. I almost cried. But isn't it cuteee? |
In case you were wondering, my tattoo is right above my ankle on my right leg. That picture is when it was still really new, and a little bloody. But it's healing up really well (it's about 2 1/2 weeks old). I love it. And it has so much meaning to me, which makes it really special.
I got my hair cut because it was sooo damaged where I burnt it last December. It never healed, even though I had gotten it cut twice after that. Like, it got to the point where I couldn't even brush it on my own. So it had to go. I decided to just cut it all off and start over with fresh, healthy hair.
Guys are douchebags. I hate them all. Like, seriously.
Besides the males in my family. Especially my baby brother. He's a good little boy. We went shopping yesterday once he got home from school, and I bought him some clothes. He looks so nice when I pick out his clothes. Of course. ;)
Speaking of yesterday, I voted for the first time! And although (unfortunately) pretty much every single freaking government position in Arkansas was filled by a Republican, I'm so glad that Obama won. Romney was just a woman-hating, gay-hating, too conservative, close-minded, rich person loving....blah. I really didn't like him. It's sad when you're legitly afraid of what the country would turn into if a certain candidate won. And I live in a state that is populated by mainly Republicans/old people, so chances weren't likely that Obama would get Arkansas's electoral votes. But that doesn't matter. Because he won anyway. Suck it, all you Arkansas Republicans. Just voicing my opinion. And if you take offense, I'm sorry. But you're entitled to your opinions, as I am to mine.
Bobo's birthday is in about a week and a half. I took off that whole weekend. And I get paid the day before his birthday, so that's good. It means he might get something super cool. Maybe another shopping trip, and he can pick out what he wants? Maybe. :P
I've decided to move to New Mexico. I'm not sure when that will happen. But it will happen. Believe me. Then again, I say that about a lot of things. And they never happen. But alas, I still have hope. I'd love to get to know my hometown better, as well as my grandparents who live there.
Anyway, I've said enough in this blog. I should go to sleep soon. Goodnight, all. :) But first, some pictures for your enjoyment (if you enjoy looking at me and my puppies). :)