Friday, November 18, 2011

This is real. This is me. This is exactly who I'm supposed to be.

I lost myself.
I just wasn't me anymore.
I let a relationship, and the person I was in the relationship with, change me. Change who I was.
But I'm back. I'm me again. And oh, how I have missed myself.

Never again, am I going to let someone change me. While I was in this relationship, I became more and more introverted and antisocial. I only hung out with this ONE person. And it was really getting me down. It made me...depressed. I think that's one of the reasons I started feeling so alone at UCA. As much as I hate to say it, that person was holding me back, and taking away my personality. And I let them.

But now, I'm free of that grasp. I'm no longer on a leash. I can be myself. I'm SO much happier. And more social. And I don't feel alone. That's pretty ironic, right? That when I had someone, I felt alone. And now that I'm single, I don't feel alone? Yeah. I don't get it either. But all that matters, is that I'm truly happy now. I And not just the fake smile that used to be on my face a lot of the time. Now I'm smiling for real.

Anyway, I'm going home tonight. I'm excited. I get to see me baby kitty!! And my family. I'm going out to eat on Saturday night with the fam for my little bro's birthday. Then on Sunday, Dyer and I are going to hang in the morning. And on Sunday night, which I'm most excited for...I'm going to hang out with Taylor, whom I haven't seen in a long time. It's going to be a lovely night.

Right now, I'm sitting here smiling like an idiot. For no reason, at all, except that I'm happy. I'm honestly, truly, happy.

Hello, world. I'm back. :)

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