Like...I miss it already. I went with Sam, and we stayed with her grandparents, who are super awesome. Her GrandDaddy makes AWESOME breakfast. French toast and waffles and pancakes, OH MY. We woke up at about 9 or 10 every morning, ate breakfast, showered, and then went out to visit the horsies and feed them. :)
I rode a horsey for the first time. was pretty awesome. Her name was Flashy, and she was super sweet. When I was about to get off though, she stumbled and fell...on my leg. It was kind of scary. I didn't realize what was happening until I was on the ground, and the horsey was on my leg. But I'm ok. No broken bones or anything. Just a multicolored bruise. COOL.
Not gonna lie...I was kind of afraid to get back on a horse after that. But I got my courage up and I rode again. I rode Flashy twice after that and then Charley (one of the ponies) once. It was pretty awesome.
I absolutely loved being around the horsies while we were in Memphis. They are such...incredible animals. So strong and respectable. I want a horsey when I'm older. A really sweet horsey that is good for riding and looks good with my hair. I know...that sounds kind of lame. But whatever. We have to compliment each other and make each other look good. :)
Some cool things we did in Memphis:
- Rode the horsies.
- Went to the mall and bought undergarments.
- Rode the Merry-Go-Round. I rode the Sea Dragon.
- Jammed to classic rock in the Hummer with GrandDaddy.
- Got hissed at by goosies.
- Saw Red Riding Hood with Sam's step-aunt.
- Got super sunburnt.
- Ate at Red Robin and Joe's Crab Shack for the first time.
- Lunged the horses by ourselves.
- Phhooop. (Not really. You wouldn't understand. Bahaha.)
- Lots of other cool things. :
Sam's grandparents have a small pond, and there was this pair of goosies who come back every year. We named them Henry and Georgina They are the CUTEST little goosey couple ever. Like...they'll be together forever. I can tell. :) I hope that me and whoever I marry end up as happy as that little goosey couple. When Sam and I went to feed the fish, I guess the gooses felt threatened by us, so Henry started hissing at us. I didn't even know that gooses hissed. But it was pretty frightening. For a minute there...I was actually scared for my life. :P
I'm not sure what I'm going to do for the rest of spring break. I just hope it doesn't go by too quickly. I don't want to go back to school. This last month is going to be the LONGEST month ever.
Sometimes...I think people make the world out to be so much worse than it really is. Like...I know there are lots of problems and things that go wrong... But the world really isn't that bad. Some people focus on every little bad aspect of life, that they miss out on the true beauty of what is around us. Sometimes, I look around, and I realize just how beautiful everything is. From the sky, to the birds, to the trees. The sun, the moon...everything. And I'm so grateful. I wish I had more time to just sit outside and truly appreciate nature, and the world I live in...the life I have been given, instead of getting so caught up in everything that's going on. Maybe I'll start making time to just cast all of the stess of the day aside, and get lost in the beauty of life. Maybe everyone should start doing that. It might do us all some good.
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Me and Flashy. :) |