I love life. I'm soo happy.
Like...seriously. There's not a single thing I would change.
I feel like I've changed a lot in the past year. It's like I've gone through some sort of transformation. It's really not something I can explain. I just know that I've become more independent. And I feel like I've become an overall better person. Something so much...more than what I used to be. I've gone through a lot since Junior year, and I do have some regrets, but everything that I've been through has made me who I am today. Which I'm thankful for.
Everything is amazing right now. It's just...right. I've graduated and I'm having an awesome summer. I'm a member of the UCA Color Guard. I start college in the fall. I have hopes and dreams, and I know what I want to do with my life. I'm not really stressed or anything. I'm just...happy. :)
There's no doubt that I'm going to face different obstacles and challenges throughout college and the rest of my life. It'll be difficult. Especially the jump from high school to college. But I know that as long as I have the right mindset, I can make it through anything that comes my way. But for now, I'm just going to continue enjoying life. :)
<3 |
I had a nightmare.
And the thing is...it wasn't recently. It was maybe a month ago. But still I can't forget about it. The thing about me...is that when I have a nightmare, it's never scary. It's always just sad. And usually...I wake up crying.
Well this nightmare I had... I was at home, I think. And then...suddenly...my dog was there. I knew he was dead. But somehow, he was there. And I just accepted it. I've missed my dog so much since he died. And in my dream, when I saw him, I ran up to him and I hugged him around his neck, like I always would. And I kissed him on the nose, cause he had the most kissable nose in the world. I spent a lot of time with him, and I kept him by my side for the whole day. I was so happy to have my puppy back. But I turned away for one second, and then when I turned back...he was gone. Just like that. As fast as he appeared, he disappeared. I called his name over and over again...but he didn't show back up. So I started sobbing. And then I woke up...sobbing.
I swear I layed there and cried for about 30 minutes after I woke up. I cried harder than I have in a long time. Everything in my dream seemed so real. I thought that I actually had my dog back. And then...he was taken away from me. I would give anything to be able to see him again. To hug him around his neck and to kiss his nose. To feel him next to me, pressed against my back while I'm asleep.
I know I've had quite a few blogs that mention my dog. And I know that probably seems really lame. But...Buddy was a huge part of my life. I can't remember a time in my life without him. I grew up with him. He really wasn't just a dog. He was a part of my family. And even now... Almost 2 years after his death, I miss him SO MUCH. :/
10 Things I'd Like To Do:
- Meet Josh Groban and see him live. :)
- Become really good at playing piano.
- Become a successful dentist.
- Save shelter animals that are about to be put asleep.
- Take my mother on a trip to Europe.
- Travel to an underprivileged country to offer free dental care.
- Make a difference in somebody's life.
- Get married and start a family.
- Go on a cruise.
- Ride an elephant.