Dear Jeff,
Wow. Time sure does fly. You've been gone a whole year. And it just hit me.
I know you're in a better place, but that doesn't make things much easier. I've gone through the day thinking that you would want us to smile and to be happy. It worked until now. I keep thinking that you should be graduating with us this year. I can't help but feel like we didn't have enough time with you. However, in the time we did have, you gave us all so much. You were one of the most amazing people that I knew, and I feel truly blessed to have been able to call you my friend. In fact, I still call you my friend, and I know that you are watching over me and everyone else. I miss and love you Jeff. I can't wait to see you again. <3
Love, Tessa
P.S. Oh, and just so you know, that coconut monkey that you made me was the cutest think in the world. I honestly think it was one of my favorite gifts that I have ever gotten. :)
<3 |
Jeff Jr. :) |
I've been irritated at a lot of things today. Ugh. Soo...I'm going to rant.
1. You're really NOT all that.
There's this girl that I know that walks around like she is all that...the queen bee. She used to be cool, but now she has this "I'm better than you" attitude, which gets extremely annoying, to say the least. She'll only wear designer brand clothes; anything without a brand name label is unacceptable. Her parents buy her everything she wants. I'm not quite sure why this eats at me so much. I mean, true, I have expensive taste, and my mom does kinda spoil me. But...I don't let that give me a big head. I know that I'm not all that and the world doesn't revolve around me. And I know the difference between having confidence in yourself, and allowing yourself to become a stuck-up snob.
2. The Clique.
There's this group of people who I used to be friends with. But they have become so...exclusive. Like, nobody else can hang with them or join in on the conversation, and if they do, they just get ignored. It's like it's only their little group, and that's all that matters to them. Idk what I think of this. I irritates me, but it's not really a big deal. Honestly, I thing it's just going to end up hurting them, when they lose their ability to actually branch out and talk to other people. They won't know what to do when they get to college and they don't have each other around 24/7.
3. What happened
I have a friend who I absolutely love. She is one of the best people I know. But...she became best friends with the person I mentioned in my first point. The "queen bee." And since my friend has become best friends with that girl, she has lost who she is. It's like she can't be herself. She always has to be this mold of the other chick. She's fine when she's not around that girl. She actually acts like an individual. But when she's around the "queen bee"...she loses who she is and becomes a mini-me. And honestly, I'm pretty sure that girl just feeds off of my friend's desire to be just like her...which gives her even more of a big head.
MAYBE...maybe this is the way things have always been...and I just never realized it. I used to be good friends with all these people. I know we've all changed. But I never would have thought that I would develop such a distaste for the people that I used to hang out with. I mean...I'll be the first to admit...I've changed quite a bit since we all formed that friendship and started our little group. But so has everyone else. I don't think all of these things that I find annoying are just things that I'm turning into problems. I mean...I'm not making a big deal out of anything. It's senior year. I only have 23 days left with these people, so honestly, I don't really care. I'm not worried about when these people think of me, and hopefully they don't care what I think of them. It just irritates me. But oh well. I'm sorry if I've come off as...well, a bitch. And I really hope I don't offend anyone. I'm just saying it how I see it. And I mean...this is my blog, which means I can say what I want. If you want to complain about me, create a blog and go for it.
On a completely different note, I had an amazing weekend with Taylor. We went to the zoo on Saturday, which was a blast. All the animals were so cute. I want them all. :) My favorite animals, of course, were the giraffes. They got so close to us. Like...They were just a little farther than an arm's length away. I wish I could have pet one. HOWEVER...I was able to pet a hugeee turtle. I don't know if we were supposed to, but whatever. :P I pet his shell, then his arm. I don't think he minded though. Turtle skin feels so weird. But it's really neat. "Cool story, bro."
I'm pumped to try out for UCA guard. Like...I'm nervous. Really nervous. And kind of stressed. But excited at the same time.